... ... 05/14/11 - The IndieFunda Project


Surgida nos idos de 1995 pelas mãos dos primos – quase irmãos, diga-se de passagem - André e Rodrigo Ribeiro (respectivamente baterista e baixista), a Thannos foi deixando aos poucos de ser somente um hobby para finalmente, sete anos depois da criação, após várias formações frustradas, começar a encontrar alguma estabilidade no seu line up e a querer alçar voos mais altos. Tais mudanças nos planos se deram após a entrada de Rodrigo Lima (guitarra) e Orlando Camargo (vocal) – então com apenas quinze anos - neste mesmo ano. 
Ao longo de 2002 a banda realizou diversos shows no – até então efervescente - circuito underground carioca, participando de alguns concursos e festivais, sempre tendo boa receptividade do público, culminando com uma apresentação no extinto Rock In Rio Café, em um tributo a Cássia Eller. Neste ano também a Thannos idealizou o que seria seu primeiro EP, a ser gravado em 2003; porém antes do fim de 2002, um desentendimento entre Orlando e André obriga o primeiro a deixar seu posto de vocal na banda, seguido por Rodrigo Lima que, insatisfeito com os rumos tomados, decide seguir o então ex-vocalista em uma nova empreitada alguns anos depois. 
Nesse ínterim, os incansáveis primos continuaram a buscar uma formação estável até 2005, quando a banda, inclusive, mudou seu nome para Alastra. A Alastra (posteriormente Alastra V8) durou até o fim de 2010, quando André decidiu ressuscitar a Thannos das cinzas, contatando Orlando e Rodrigo Lima para uma reunião como nos velhos tempos apenas para relembrar e gravar as músicas da época. Ambos aceitaram a proposta sem pestanejar e logo após o primeiro ensaio, feito em um pequeno estúdio na zona norte da cidade, todos perceberam que, apesar do tempo, a química não se perdeu; pelo contrário, parecia ter ficado mais evidente e, agora, com fôlego renovado, a Thannos está mais forte do que nunca tendo em sua formação os mesmos integrantes – e a mesma energia - de 2002, ano da sua fase de maior sucesso.




Tony Tony Chopper

Born in West Africa but raised in and between the bright cities of both Lagos, Nigeria and New York, North America. Tony Tony Chopper, creator of the most elite nation we have; Young Wizards Chopper Nation has been aspiring a music career from the tender age of 8. As he has grown into the creative young man he is today, he is now a producer, an innovative rapper and other things in the making. His dream is to touch listeners with inspiring music about situation he himself has experienced or was inspired byTony Tony Chopper. YWCN


My Bravest Mask

Siempre interesado en el sonido y sus efectos, pero sobre todo en la representación del sentir a través del arte: de la música, My Bravest Mask inicia en 2003 con diferentes programas para explorar ondas sonoras, romper secuencias e integrar su cosmovisión a la música.

Ya en el año 2007 adquiere una perspectiva más definida, en la que la libertad creadora se antepone hasta alcanzar una forma de componer música con un fondo de sensaciones inseparable del dìa a dìa. En julio de 2008 se da a conocer finalmente el primer intento bajo esta perspectiva sonora. Único objetivo: compartir una forma, su forma, tal vez distinta de escuchar, imagiinar y sentir, siempre congruentes con el espejo de su vida y pensamiento.

Gracias por escuchar estos primeros minutos y años de exploración e introspección... y 




Tony CC

I am a bass player currently residing in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I began playing bass in 1988, at the age of 15 and since that time I have played in several local bands throughout Michigan, Florida, and North Carolina, playing mostly original material. 
I love music and listen to just about everything, however, my favorite genres are Jazz, Progressive Rock, Metal and Fusion. 
My original music consists primarily of bass centric instrumentals and my style is somewhat unique. 
My music will definately add a refreshing, enjoyable twist to your usual listening routine.



Those Alone

"Those Alone" are an alternative rock band from the New England area formed by former "Vagrant Mind" front man Mike Giammarco and former "Rolling Bones" bass player Russell Midyette. Mike is an up and coming singer/songwriter and guitarist who is self taught and has been writing songs since he was 15. After his first band "Vagrant Mind" disbanded he wrote and performed his songs both solo and with a side project called "Safehaven". Besides Giammarco and Midyette "Those Alone" also includes "World In Arms" drummer Kyle Sawaia and Lead Guitarist Peter Lazzarino. They recorded 2 tracks at Spooner Street Sounds in RI. "Tiger" was the first song from the session and was independently released on the bands websites and internet radio. It is a blend of the melodic minor chord filled 60s rock songs with the dark harder edged 90s grunge. Fans around the world love the combination of the heartfelt lyrics great hooks and heavy melodic beat. On March 23rd they released the second single, "Get Away" much in the same way. It shows Mike's range as an artist and writer as he delves deep into the darkness of addiction and torment. The group's sound has been compared to the 90's "Seattle" sound but transcends genres and age groups with songs like "Get Away" and "Hello" which are dark and heavy, to the almost 60's rock sounding "Tiger" and "Diamond" The songs will be available to purchase online soon and can currently be heard on Jango Airplay, Westsidewill Radio, all the bands social sites, and their official site at Reverbnation.com. Giammarco and Midyette are currently firming up the bands touring line up, working on new songs, and are preparing to get into the studio in May. "Those Alone" are generating interest from Indie Labels and are hoping to sign on with one soon to be able to complete their debut album and have it distributed to a much wider audience.


Our band Facebook

My band member Facebook Page

My band Twitter page

Pure Volume

My Space

Our band Indie Charts Page

The Foreign Resort

Based in the shoegaze genre The Foreign Resort has fused
the dark sounds of the 80's with electronic beats, energetic drumming and piercing
reverb guitars. Since 2006 the band has been exploring new wave rock making
expressive and spell-binding songs. With parallels to My Bloody Valentine and
Joy Division, The Foreign Resort balances between the massive and the delicate
with a distinct international sound.


Pianist, singer and songwriter since the age of 20 I still take my pleasure in 
composing, arranging and recording my songs.
Hopefully, as soon as I will have found the right musicians, all this will be put on
scene again.

The 7 Frogs

The 7 Frogs is a five-piece indie rock band from Athens. In November 2009, George, Thanassis and Fotis formed ‘The 7 Frogs’. Later that year Alex and Andrew completed the line up, and the band started to work and record its own music. Band’s influences are mostly from british indie rock music scene such as The Field Mice, Tom Vek, Joy Division, The Beatles, The Smiths and New Order. From the beginning of the year the band gigs in several music stages of Athens such as Intrepid Fox, TORA K44, Afaneis, Cabaret Voltaire, After Dark, Anthropos etc. with increasingly popularity. At the same time the band promotes its first EP (independent production). ‘The 7 Frogs’ are Tzelepis George (vocals, guitar), Skentos Thanassis (guitar), Skentos Fotis (drums), Haralambous Alex (cello) and Mitrou Andrew (bass).






ma name iz dandy hopdogy, who was born Pontianak, 05th May in 1992 .. was born of the mother who strong in life. I like to work with anyone that the most important thing iz positive.

DJ Light

DJ Light lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA with his co-composer and wife,
Pixie, an award winning poet and writer  who is also a model. He spins
both classic and groundbreaking latest in trance, progressive, electro
, and both progressive and old school breaks as well as noted,
award-winning, and professionally praised original collaborative and
solo works. Trance and Breaks are his first loves. Light strives
through technology to become to a better artist and musician and to
hone and refine his musical craftmanship.

Light says "I have been part of the EDM scene for over a decade and
for me, music is my blood and the substance I draw breath and life
from. I have a musical background that is diverse and includes both
classical and modern music and covers many genres. Having the audience
dance is the dream come to reality and I love living the dream. Music
is about community, it is a shared human experience and transcends the
corporeal and expands the human consciousness and awareness. I am an
emissary and music is my mission. Music is magic and dance is its
language and purest expression. There is something spiritual about
losing one very Self in the music and becoming something greater than
ones Self and sharing this experience with others and inspiring them
to join in the experience of music and dance. I bring you the music so
you can try to grow and touch satori itself through the combined
beauty and perfection of expression of the universe in music and the
siren call of dancing to the beat and losing yourself in the groove."

How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning - DJ Light and Pixie - Prufrock Mix by DJLight

The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clearing, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in the abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation. The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace."
-Kate Chopin "The Awakening" 1899
Original Trance remix of How to Destroy Angels' "A Drowning" by DJ Light and Pixie of Atlanta, Georgia. USA. DJ Light is an independent producer, composer, musician, technophile, and DJ. Pixie is a professional writer, poet, model and a percussionist/drummer, vocalist and bassist. They are husband and wife team and this is their first musical collaboration..This is their first born child.of imagination.
Release date: Aug 26, 2010 

Super8 & Tab feat Jan Burton - Empire - DJ Light Remix by DJLight

DJ Genesis

I don't have a "rags to riches" story. I'm not a rapper nor do I produce music, I mix it. It started with me just listening to great music and soon, I became addicted to Dubstep, Drum & Bass, and Techno. After listening to hours of the stuff I wanted to have a more active part in the music. So I got myself some DJ software and I've been working at becoming better ever since. I've been DJing for almost 6 months now, and everything you hear I have taught myself through experimentation or observation. I just want everyone to have the chance to hear great music and enjoy as I have. 

Oh Penni, My Penni! - Sample by DJ Genesis TMB

Techno Bite - Sample by DJ Genesis TMB

Willie Rage

Willie Rage tells a story to only change the world of hip hop, with his lyrics to eliminate the stereotype that gangster rap only comes from the west coast. His music is a story to consume your mind with conscious rhymes, but still staying true to hip hop’s roots, like influences such as Big Daddy Kane, Run DMC, NWA, and LL Cool J. His recent single "CA" from his newly released album End Of Dayz, is an introduction to Willie Rage, who tells his perspective about living the California life. Willie Rage was born in Inglewood, CA and grew up in Los Angeles and in the Inland Empire. During his high school days, he was recognized as the battle king with the freshest rhymes to put his peers to shame. From that moment, hip hop would forever live in his heart. With his unique style it became his passion to be the rapper to change the face of hip hop not only on the west coast, but the world of hip hop. In 2001 he linked up with awest coast group Above the Law, collaborated with aspiring MCs, and performed locally in California. After a few years, Willie Rage decided to venture out on his own. He put the pen to paper and the studio became his air to create hip hop greatness. End of Dayz is the album bringing back what hip hop use to be, a story told through music, hip hop heads coming together, and lyrics that are forever remembered. Willie Rage’s contagious energy and with an in your face attitude of raw hip hop he is sure to leave his foot print on the path of the legends before him. As Willie Rage says in one of his songs, “Everybody has a story to tell.” His hunger for music, Willie Rage craves the fire that a west coast MC is coming and he’s carrying a different kind of mic to hip hop!


Young Beyz

Young Beyz is a young talented rapper born in zambia and lived part of his childhood in Italy.Beyz has been in the rap game since the age 14,being inspired by his close friend and Italian rap legend "Young Vegas" and being part of the Ghetto G's(The family). 
Beyz is an undisputed champion in the making,with tracks on life,reality,struggles and emotions. 
Just trying to keep his head up above the sky. 
He will be making history.



Grew up in Burlington, Ontario. Music was in the blood but I started writing when I was 13. Fell in love with writing and here I am now, making music that is my own and for people to enjoy. So I hope you like what you hear and add me on facebook, twitter, or youtube. Thanks LAV



Born july 30, 1986, vinz aka lil vinnie has been just a young person with a passion for music. he never actually started following his dreams until now. He writes his own lyrics and talks about the relevant and important issues in life. sometimes falls into stories of love but rarely or almost never a commercial rapper. He has worked with other artist like MC VIP aka Sayevior on a track named "Meant to me" and is currently working with MC Rain on a new track. Although based in the former USSR, he has managed to spread his song around the CIS with notable tracks like "Ma Love Story" with DJ Babak


Ricky Morse

I am a 28 yr old guitarist/nd. Right now I am trying to build a name for myself to create a Value for me! I know you will enjoy my music. feel free to leave a  songwriter/singer. I am a dedicated father and Husband. Music is my first love. I play acoustic sets. I also play with a full bamessage or 
contact me if you have any questions or opportunities.



Sheena Bratt

Sheena Bratt: Singer/Songwriter based in the North West UK
Peace, truth and love!

*** ‘My Muse And I’ is now available on ITunes and all the major online stores! ***

Since childhood Sheena Bratt (previously known as Sheena Rowley) has been passionate about the magic of music. She has worked as a Primary Teacher in the UK and has taught all ages in Thailand. She did a Post Graduate Certificate in Education with Modern Foreign Languages, after her BA (Hons) in Law & Philosophy. She sees music as an outlet for a message - of love, fun and global change & harmony.

After tinkering with many instruments, she now mostly plays guitar and sings. Her performance and writing days began at primary school and she's busked, gigged and recorded all over the place (and in other countries), solo and in bands. For herself and for charity. She absolutely loves the whole process, the writing, recording and playing live. She loves many different types of music, all kinds of things in life inspire her to write and her music has been described as folk/country/blues/indie/pop but it doesn't really fall into a set category. She has in the past recorded a 4 track CD, a live album, and recorded individual tracks with many people - including internationally successful DJs and producers Hemstock&Jennings, who she also sang live for at the Foundation in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a big dance club. She's supported Glen Tilbrook (of Squeeze) and was also featured a few years ago at the Unsigned Showcase at Nantwich's Folk and Roots Festival. Recently, Mojo Records took an interest in her and featured one of her tracks (Fire In Your Eyes) on their webpages, she's also featured on their website as an artist they're working with. She also had a regular slot singing at The Comedy Store before she went travelling. She presented a radio show in Thailand for a while and has performed live on various radio shows, her recorded tracks have been played on various stations too. She's now very excited to be working with a new band called Gilded Rain, with other exciting projects in the pipeline, including her new solo album. She’s also recently put together an 8-piece band to give a  funky sound to her acoustic tracks. Keys, sax, harmonica, bongos, drums, bass, lead and rhythm guitars.

She feels very privileged to soon be working with Rockin Russ (DJ/Producer/Promoter) who's on the Rocked music label. Their first collaborative release will be a track called 'In  Spirit'. He and the Rocked team are 'putting Stoke back on the map' re. the dance music scene; As said by BBC Radio 1 DJ Kutski, who played a quality track of his recently. She'll also be working with James Williams (and other producers on the Airspace label) also in the Rocked crew, who is producing some equally fine dance music. A release will be out soon on the Airspace label, a track called 'With You' by DC, the vocals for which have been co-written between Sheena and the label owner.

She's equally as excited about another new collaboration, a chilled electronic project with the very talented, established dance music producer Robbie Fithon, who is signed to 6193 Recordings.

Last but by no means least, she feels hugely privileged to be being considered to play at Earthday Brasil 2011 Festival, an amazing festival for peace and global change, happening in Rio this year. http://www.earthdaybrasil.com

Some of her music can be heard on:

http://www.myspace.com/sheenabratt (new myspace page)

You can also 'like' her music page:

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